

The study of signs or a sign system.

Famous semiotician Ferdinand de saussure is seen  as the founder. Other early developers of tthe study of semiotics are:Claude levi strauss semiotics is the study of signs and symbols and their use of interpretation.

A sign is the smallest unit of meaning.

Body language,colour,shot type,words,pictures


Saussure offered a 'dyadic' or two part model of the sign. He defined a sign as being composed of

  • a signifier- The form which the sign takes.
  • The signified- The concept it represents.


The signified is the obvious meaning of the signifier or sign-the denotation. Many signs have other meanings, extra meanings are called connotations.

An important concept in semiology is that all signs hold different levels of meaning- the denotative level and to connotative level.

Denotation-the denotational level

  • literal meaning
Connotation- the connotational level
  • red implies danger
  • arguable


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