elements of editing

Order of shots

The meaning of a sequence can change depending on the order of shots that are cut together. The three main shot types used in filming are long,medium and close. Film shots are an essential aspect of a movie where transitions and cuts are used to express characters emotions, ideas and movements.


Transitions are the process of moving from one shot to another. The most used transition is the cut, which is where one shot is instantaneously replaced with the next.


The preceding shot fades into black from which the following shot emerges.

Cross fade

The preceding shot merges into the following shot, resulting in the two shots being superimposed.


A transition where one image is reverted over another horizontally,vertically, diagonally, are even using a shape or pattern such as a star or diamond.

Pace,time and rhythm 

Cinematic space- Effectively where the action takes place. It is quite common to begin a sequence with an establishing shot which establishes the place where the action takes place.

Cinematic time- The time a given sequence takes place on the screen.

Rhythm- Editing sets the rhythm or pace of a scene. This could be dictated by either the music used behind a scene or the mood that the editor is trying to create and the pace that you edit.

Parallel editing 

Parallel editing (cross cutting) is the technique of alternating two or more scenes that often happen simultaneously but in different locations. If the scenes are simultaneous, they occasionally culminate in a single place, where the relevant parties confront each other.

Match cut

In film, a match cut is a cut from one shot to another where the two shots are matched by the action or subject and subject matter. For example, in a duel a shot can go from a long shot on both contestants via a cut to a medium closeup shot of one of the duellists. 

Jump cut

A jump cut is a cut in film editing in which two sequential shots of the same subject are taken from camera positions that vary only slightly if at all. This type of edit gives the effect of jumping forwards in time.

Soviet montage theory

The kuleshov effect is a concept in filmmaking created by Hev Kulesshov in the 1920's.

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