

Image result for mise en scene costume and makeup
Make-up and costumes- This acts as an instant indicator to us of a characters personality,status and job. It also tells us immediately what era its set in.

Image result for mise en scene facial expressions
Facial expressions and body language- This provide a clear indicator of how someone is feeling.

Image result for mise en scene positioningPositioning of characters and objects- If the filmmaker chooses to position a character or an object in the foreground of the shot we know that. we as an audience,should attach importance to this character or object.

Image result for mise en scene lighting and colourLighting and colour- Lighting helps to convey the mood and atmosphere. It can be used to guide the audience’s attention to a particular object, person, emotion or gesture. For example under lighting is used when the antagonist is going to or has done something, under lighting will be used so that the villain has a scary and powerful look. 

The setting of the scene is very mysterious and dark with smoke also blowing around Luke, we then see him move his arm up with a gun (pretend gun) and we can tell by his expression that hes looking for someone or something. The setting then suddenly gets brighter, and Vader seems to appear. Vader's costume is very dark which is why they made the setting lighter, or else you wouldn't of been able to see him at all. Luke then suddenly brings out his bright blue light saber and then Vader brings out his bright red light saber, the setting gets quite foggy from the smoke making the light sabers more noticeable. There positioned quite close to each other to emphasize their going to fight. The expression on Luke's face becomes nervous. As they connect with the light sabers you can see a bright light as they hit. Luke's expression then becomes more confident as e begins walking towards Vader. You are unable to see Vader's expressions since he is wearing a mask. Vader hits a part of the building causing it to go black for a split second. Luke's expression then turns angry ad Vader is winding him up. Vader then falls and the setting changes to a dark tunnel which is then brightened as Luke enters it. The tunnel leads him to another room where he then see's Vader and turns his bright blue light saber on which then Vader does the same. The colors in the scene are quite dark making the light sabers much more visible. Luke skywalker is played by Mark Hamill and Darth Vader is played by James Earl Jones.


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